For years, the trend of "natural bio ingredients" has dominated the market for dietary supplements and medical devices. Whether it is worth paying more for them than for the same substances extracted by a different technological process I leave to your own judgment.
The manufacturer also relied on natural ingredients Slimdropico - drops advertised as a dietary supplement to aid weight loss. The form of drops will certainly be better absorbed than, for example, tablets or capsules, and converting 50 ml of liquid in a bottle into drops, the preparation should last about 50 days.
However, this is a very simplified calculation, based on the unit "drop", which is roughly equivalent to 0.05 milliliters.

Slimdropico composition
Brazenly copying the composition from the manufacturer's website, we see the following text:
Carrier - glycerol, deionized water, extract of leaves of holly (Ilex paraguariensis), extract of ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), extract of peppermint leaves (Mentha piperita), lovage root extract (Levisticum officinale Koch), dandelion herb and root extract (Taraxacum officinale Weber), violet herb extract (Viola tricolor), sage leaf extract (Salvia officinalis).
Slimdropico composition //
Yerba Mate and ginger
From Polish to ours, Paraguayan holly is simply yerba mate. Thanks to a clinical study, the report of which was published in 2015, we know that yerba has a real effect on weight loss, lowering the percentage of fat in the body composition and reducing the waist-to-hip ratio.
Studies suggest that it makes as much sense as possible to supplement this ingredient in obese people. Paraguayan holly is one of the strengths of this formula. Going further, the extract of Ginger rhizome positively affects the digestive system and lowers lipid levels, which translates into the amount of fat deposited in the tissues.
Peppermint leaf extract
Peppermint leaf extract is mainly menthol, which reduces appetite and soothes the stomach and intestines. Lovage root, which has been used for centuries in medicine, has no weight-loss effect per se. Instead, it supports the kidneys, which translates into more efficient removal of toxins from the body.
Dandelion - a 2012 study mentions its anti-obesity properties, however, is more focused on activities such as lowering triglycerides or cholesterol levels and supporting the digestive system.
Violet herb extract and clary sage
Violet herb extract regulates metabolism, which can potentially help you lose weight. The effect of sage in this regard was analyzed by a 2012 study - effectively It improves parameters related to overweight, such as lipid profile or liver tests.
Opinion about Slimdropico
Looking at the composition as a whole, it looks pretty good. The components are sensibly selected, and their performance is confirmed by the sources.

In order not to pay too many compliments, it should be made clear - each body's sensitivity to a particular ingredient is different. What's more, without a proper diet, preparations such as this do not make sense.
The plus side of Slimdropico is its form, which will especially appeal to people who react badly to pills or simply don't like taking them.

Slimdropico price
The price of the drops is about £160 On the manufacturer's website - the price is understandable given the dosage and composition.
Instead of investing in cheap supplements, it is worth spending more money once, choosing a product that will be designed with sense.
Kim, SY., Oh, MR., Kim, MG. et al. Anti-obesity effects of Yerba Mate (Ilex Paraguariensis): a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. BMC Complement Altern Med 15, 338 (2015).
Marta González-Castejón, Francesco Visioli, Arantxa Rodriguez-Casado, Diverse biological activities of dandelion, Nutrition Reviews, Volume 70, Issue 9, September 1, 2012, Pages 534-547,
EI-Servy, E., Abd EI-Hameid, M. (2012). 'Influence of Sage (Salvia Officinalis L.) and Purslane (Portulaca Oleracea L.) on Weight Reduction and Some Biochemical Parameters in Rats Suffering from Obesity', Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Health, 7(1), pp. 1-16. doi: 10.21608/ejnh.2012.4807