How to avoid overeating or how to stop eating too much?

Hunger isn't the only reason people eat. Strong emotions, stress, or boredom can have the same effect. Many people reach for food to cope with emotional problems or unmet needs. In an increasingly fast-paced world that demands more and more of us, maintaining a healthy relationship with food is becoming a challenge for many.

Overeating is also the result of a poorly managed diet-drastic calorie restriction often ends in a bout of wolfish hunger, which in turn ... well.

How to regain control of your own appetite?

First, we need to think about why we actually overeat. Are we drawn to food for reasons other than hunger? In a fit of emotion? Or are we trying to lose weight in an unhealthy way? There can be a lot of reasons. Overeating is associated with many factors, such as social pressure, food advertising, availability of processed food, and personal experiences such as work stress or interpersonal relationships. That's why it's so important to learn how to stop this cycle, regain control of food, and achieve a healthy relationship with food.

What can overeating lead to?

Overeating can lead to many negative consequences. Some of them are:

  1. Overweight and obese
  2. Problems related to the above, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, joint diseases, and other diseases.
  3. Deterioration of mental health. Low self-esteem, guilt, depression, and anxiety are some examples of the potential consequences of overeating.
  4. Food addiction. You can get addicted to food as much as possible and enter a painful cyclical pattern that is extremely difficult to break.

What should I do to avoid overeating?

Countering overeating requires time, effort, and a conscious approach to diet and lifestyle. For some, the fight against excessive food intake can be particularly hard. To get started, you should start with a few steps:

1. Start eating consciously

Instead of eating automatically and habitually, learn to eat consciously. This means that you focus on your food without distractions like the TV, computer, or phone. Pay attention to the taste, texture, and smell of the food. Eat slowly, without hurrying. Conscious eating helps to increase feelings of fullness and satisfy physical hunger, which reduces the tendency to overeat.

2. Plan regular meals

Avoid skipping meals, as this can lead to excessive hunger and subsequent overeating. Plan a regular meal that includes healthy ingredients such as vegetables, fruits, protein, and whole grains. Eating regularly keeps your blood sugar levels constant, which helps prevent hunger attacks and overeating. Pay attention to what you eat.

3. Make sure you eat the right portions

Try to eat the right portions of food. Often, eating too much is the result of eating too large portions. Knowing how much food you really need can help you control overeating. Remember that our body needs enough calories and nutrients, and eating more food will not satisfy our emotions.

4. Take care of your sleep

Lack of sleep can affect your appetite and contribute to overeating. Get regular sleep of the right length, which will help regulate the hormones responsible for hunger and satiety.

5. Limit the temptations in your environment

Limit the presence of unhealthy snacks and food in your environment. Exclude those foods that can provoke overeating. Instead, replace them with healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, nuts, or plain yogurt.

6. Move more

Regular physical activity not only helps burn calories, but can also help reduce stress and improve well-being. Choose an activity that interests you and enjoy it. This can be, for example, jogging, yoga, dancing, or swimming. A normal walk is also a physical activity.

7. Write down what you eat and when you eat it

At least not at first. A food diary can help you understand what influences your overeating and what your eating habits are. With the help of the journal, you can identify areas that need to be improved and make healthier food choices.

8. Don't avoid consulting a professional

When everything fails, keep in mind that you may need the help of a specialist. A dietitian or therapist has the right tools and skills to help you rebuild a healthy relationship with food.


Overall, overeating is a complex problem that can negatively affect your health and well-being. However, understanding emotional nutrition, mindful eating, eating regularly, eating healthy snacks, being physically active, portion control, and having a specialist support you can help you regain control of your food and achieve a healthy relationship with food.

It is important to remember that each process takes time and effort, but taking positive steps towards a healthy lifestyle can lead to sustainable and positive results. Remember that a healthy relationship with food is not only a matter of physical health, but also of mental health and overall well-being. Therefore, it is worth investing time and effort in developing healthy eating habits and maintaining a balance between the emotional and physical aspects of eating.

In addition, an important aspect of the fight against overeating is working on a positive attitude to the body and self-acceptance. Often, our negative thoughts about our appearance or weight can affect our behavior towards food. It is worth remembering that every person is unique and beautiful, regardless of their appearance or size. Focusing on the positive aspects of our body and evaluating your achievements, regardless of your weight scale, can help minimize appearance-related pressure and make healthy food choices easier.

It's also worth remembering that changing your eating habits and approach to food is a process that can be challenging and hassle-free. Therefore, you should give yourself time to adjust to the new behavior and be lenient with yourself in case of temporary deviations. It's important to remember that no one is perfect and that small steps to a healthy relationship with food are worth it. Remember that our mental health, physical health, and well-being are of the utmost importance, and they should be taken care of through conscious food choices and respect for ourselves and our bodies.